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            2020 seems a distant memory. It is not altogether a good memory. Covid. Pandemic. Closures. Isolation. Fear. Uncertainty. Masks. Sickness. Teaching from home at my desk in front of the camera on my iPhone for many months. Days we pray will never be repeated!

            By August of that year we were back to meeting on Sunday mornings only. I preached a sermon I called, “The Most Important ‘To Do’ List You Will Ever Make.” Some of us have the benefit (if you want to call it that) of rising in the morning and saying, “Well, let’s see what happens today.” Some of us live by the “to do” list. You look down your list of needed tasks and check them off as they get done. Then you add to it. Some things on your “To do” list are not really worth doing, but you do them anyway. I suggested a different type of “To Do” list that I felt was more important than the typical kind.

  1. Do to others as you would have them do to you (Matt. 7:12).
  2. Do the will of the Father (Matt. 7:21-23).
  3. Do this (take the Lord’s Supper) in remembrance of Jesus (1 Cor. 11:23-26).
  4. Do good to all people, especially to those of the household of faith (Gal. 6:10).
  5. Do all things without murmuring and disputing (Phil. 2:14).
  6. Do as Christ would do (Col. 3:12-14).
  7. Do all in the name of the Lord Jesus (Col. 3:17).
  8. Do it heartily, as to the Lord (Col. 3:23).
  9. Do not forget to do good and to share (Heb. 13:16).
  10. Be doers of the word and not hearers only (Jas. 1:22).
  11. Do the things by which you will never stumble spiritually (2 Pet. 1:5-11)
  12. Do the commandments of God (Rev. 22:14).

            Sometimes we hear it said that Christianity is more a matter of being than doing. And according to some preachers you will never do enough, nor will you ever do it right! Also, it is true that doing can be ill conceived and misdirected. That is sometimes people do the right thing, but with the wrong motive (Matt. 6:1-18). The most important question that will ever come to our minds is, “Lord, what do you want me to do?” (Acts 9:6).

            Now, as to goals. I saw this list of worthy goals in the January 12th bulletin from the church in Trenton, Tennessee. The article, “Biblical Goals for Today,” was written by Brent Smith. He listed some daily goals that will change your life. Here they are. Today I will:

  1. Remember that others have a life story, struggles and insecurities that I don’t know about.
  2. Not despise or scorn any other person.
  3. Forgive myself for past mistakes, because God has forgiven me.
  4. Look for the return of Jesus.
  5. Trust God my Father and Jesus my Savior.
  6. Look for opportunities to tell others about Jesus.
  7. Treat my wife as Christ does the church.
  8. Live today without weighing myself down with worries about tomorrow.
  9. Focus on what I have rather than what I don’t
  10. Not be hypercritical and hypocritical towards others.
  11. Not complain about minor inconveniences (e.g., uncomfortable weather, bad service).
  12. Not worry about things I have no control over (e.g., politics, economy, others’ behavior).
  13. Pray for a lost person and a lost nation.

            Brother Smith concluded the article: “Make your own list or modify this one. Add Bible verses that support the goals. Place in a conspicuous place and read every morning and be surprised by the positive results!” Some goals are not worth pursuing. These are worth doing!