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Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)

Fear is a constant reality in this fallen world. Whether it is fear of the unknown, fear of suffering, or fear of failure, anxiety can weigh heavily on our hearts. Yet, in Isaiah 41:10, God offers an unwavering promise to His people: we do not need to fear, because He is with us.

This verse is spoken in the context of God’s reassurance to Israel, who had every reason to be afraid. Surrounded by powerful nations and uncertain about the future, they needed to be reminded that their security did not rest in their own strength but in God's faithfulness.

There is a remarkable phrase in this verse: “I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” In biblical language, the “right hand” symbolizes strength, authority, and victory. God’s righteous right hand, then, is not just strong but also just, faithful, and true. His power is not arbitrary or unstable—it is always exercised in perfect righteousness. This should bring great comfort. The One who upholds us is not only mighty but also holy and trustworthy.

Additionally, the structure of this verse highlights three divine promises: God will strengthen, help, and uphold. This progression is intriguing. Strength comes first, providing the endurance we need. Then, help arrives in our moments of need. Finally, God does not just assist from a distance—He upholds us, carrying us through what we cannot bear alone.

As Christians, we see the ultimate fulfillment of this promise in Jesus Christ. He is Immanuel, “God with us” (Matt. 1:23), and He has conquered the greatest fear of all: Death. Because of Him, we can echo the confidence of Isaiah 41:10: we are never alone, never abandoned, and never beyond the reach of God’s righteous right hand.

So whatever trials you face, hear the words of the Lord anew: Fear not, for I am with you.